Pax Consultants, founded in 1977 by John Emanuel, specialises in facilitating the transfer of technology and related services, including consultancy support during licensing negotiations, mediation in licensing disputes, and expert witness services on royalty rates in patent litigation.
In 1978 John Emanuel also founded Pax Technology Transfer Ltd, a company that specialised in finding and evaluating technology-driven business opportunities for major national and multi-national company clients. This company was sold in 2001.

"John Emanuel helped us conclude a unique technology agreement with a German company which enabled us to enter an adjacent market segment with innovative technology and instant credibility…"
G. Pisani
Managing Director (retired)
Stoneridge Group company, US
Pax Consultants
20 Regent's Park Road
London NW1 7TX
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7482 4554
+44 (0) 7956 460 511
Email: john.emanuel@pax.co.uk
"In major patent infringement case in Toronto between two multi-national corporations, John Emanuel provided expert analysis on royalties to the Federal Court. His expert report was exceptionally well researched, clear and transparent, and his oral evidence authoritative and persuasive."
Barry Leon
former Litigation Partner, Torys LLP, Toronto