Case Studies
"PAX was a valuable source for technology that could differentiate our systems solutions. Often the introductions to potential partners was as valuable as the technology itself…"
Director, Major US automotive components company
A large US-based automotive component company wanted to take a licence for advanced electrical devices from a leading German producer. Pax was retained to advise on the negotiations. The outcome was not just a licence but also a successful joint venture in the US. John Emanuel joined the Board of the new company and then those of other companies in the group.
Technology Transfer
An engineering group developed and patented a novel machine for a market that was not compatible with their other activities. So they licensed the designs and know-how to another company for manufacture and marketing. Unfortunately, during manufacture, a fundamental design flaw emerged. The companies were about to go into an extensive and costly litigation. Both sides recognised that the costly flaw arose from an error made in good faith. They decided to try mediation and John Emanuel was retained to help. After a long afternoon and a short evening the matter was resolved to everyone’s reasonable satisfaction and the parties were able to return to their businesses without the distraction of a long litigation.
"I have worked with John Emanuel for a number of years, successfully licensing technology to many of the world’s largest food companies. John's knowledge of licensing is remarkable and, as they generally admitted, greater than the companies with whom we worked.
It is a delight to work with John, not only for this expertise but in many other ways"
Richard Walden, Managing Director, Zinetec Ltd
A specialist UK engineering team with deep experience in the food industry developed a process to enhance food quality. John Emanuel advised on the branding of the process, arranged licences with manufacturers in the US and France to make and sell the novel machines required, and then worked with the client and licensed food producers in the US, Europe and Australia.
Patent Litigation - Expert Witness on Damages
"John has assisted us with a number of important matters over the years. His ethical approach and attention to detail are second to none."
Keith Beresford
Patent Attorney, Litigator and Advocate
Beresford Crump LLP, London